Booktango: A New Opportunity for Writers to Get Published

Booktango: A New Opportunity for Writers to Get Published

Bryan Cain-Jackson
June 29, 2012

There has never been a better time for both aspiring and professional writers than right now. Citizen journalists are becoming figures that are seriously in the news business – their opinions have become invaluable and account for that of the majority.

People have taken to the net to start publishing their works of journalism as well as both fiction and non-fiction. Websites like Serial Jones publish high brow fiction on a regular basis for readers to enjoy.

What I’m trying to illustrate here is that the internet can be a place where you can find an extremely fascinating read.

With the advent of e-books, we’ve seen an increase in the amount of companies that are more interested in publishing of writers who are just starting out – or even those who are professionals and just have a lot to say.

Booktango takes the idea of e-book publishing and revolutionizes it by offering writers opportunities that no other e-book publisher is offering.

“We allow writers to publish their e-books using our website for free and they retain 100% of their royalties.” Chris Bass, director of marketing for Booktango said.

Wow! Really? Where is the catch?

Well, actually – that’s just about the size of it. There is no catch. So, what’s Booktango all about?

“We did some research before we came in to the market – we found that our competitors out there are not very user friendly. Some authors have described their experiences as uploading a manuscript and having it put through the meat grinder. We really saw the opportunity to come in and make an easy-to-use interface.”

Booktango launched earlier this year – they are part of the company Author Solutions and the response has been positive.

This is an extraordinary way for writers who have their written work in moth balls to pull it out, dust it off and get it out to the public. If you’re weary of your editorial skills, Booktango has that covered as well.

“One of the great things about the self-publishing platform is that the author has options. There are additional services that are available for purchase – one of them is editorial services.”

Authors are also welcomed to edit their own content for no charge from any platform and while on the go. Booktango’s published works are made available for sale on all e-book platforms.

One of the greatest things about books is the cover art – this is something that has been lost when it comes to Booktango’s competitors.

“We have a do-it-yourself cover designer; it’s got drag-and-drop functionality so that you can upload your image. We help the author learn which images are acceptable for e-reading. They can go in and add their title. You are also welcome to upload an image that you have had professionally designed.”

Booktango will usher in a new era in e-book publishing arena and help give more writers the freedom to speak out in that creative voice that in the past has never been heard or read – here’s one more great way that you can.